Jillian Hosier & Raegan Doise
My Other Half is an immersive mental health exhibition created for the purpose of educating the public and breaking the stigma surrounding anxiety disorders.

The sketches show our initial thought process and progression of our designs. The sketches depict the primary and secondary logos, illustration elements, interior exhibits, and the exterior exhibit.

The main type, MADE SOULMAZE, is used in both the primary and the secondary logos. It serves as the main heading throughout the exhibition and branding. The supporting type, Neue Haas Unica, takes form in both heavy and regular character styles. This is used as the body text in the branding. The colors are bright to reflect the idea that anxiety doesn’t have to be scary, dark, and bad. The elements and style interact with one another and create a seamless design within the interior and exterior environments.

The OCD environment showcases an in-depth definition of the disorder. The bottom graphic depicts the cycle that sufferers can be stuck in before seeking help. The right graphic depicts the overwhelming thoughts and false narrative that OCD instills in sufferers. The graphic and list boarding the main wall portrays and catalogs the themes and well-established subtypes of OCD.

The panic environment showcases a general definition of the disorder. The icon sketches on the bottom of the piece depict symptoms sufferers may experience. The figure sketch on the top shows the inner turmoil sufferers feel within the disorder and panic attacks.

The exterior exhibit serves as an interactive piece to draw in prospective attendees and inform the public. Passerby can use stickers to identify how often they experience anxiety by age group. This is to remind people that anxiety is not uncommon, and it provides information about how anxious people truly feel. It also promotes the exhibition and provides information about when and where it opens.

This handout is created for visitors to take with them when they leave. It includes additional information about the interior exhibits, mental health resources, and a poster. The handout opens up to myths and facts associated with panic disorder and OCD. Once unfolded, the back reveals a rendition of Gloria Wilcox's Feelings Wheel. The purpose of the wheel is to determine your emotions. The page it designed to serve as an interactive and educational poster.